• Safeguarding


At Calthwaite CE Primary School, the safeguarding of our children is the highest priority. Schools are vital to the protection and support of all children, particularly those who are the most vulnerable. Above, are our policies and systems for keeping children safe. Anyone who works with our children is checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service. All staff have safeguarding training which is regularly updated, safeguarding is a set agenda item at all staff and at governor meetings. Whilst all adults linked to our school have a care of duty, the lead staff and governor responsible can be found in the 'Welcome' tab. If you have any concerns about a child, you can contact the local Cumbria safeguarding children board at: www.cumbriasafeguardingchildren.co.uk 

Prevent Duty

The Prevent duty became law in 2015-it relates to the Counter Terrorism and Security Act. It places the responsibility on all schools to have regard for preventing children being drawn into terrorism or extremist views. At Calthwaite CE Primary School, we protect the children in our care by being alert to any reason for concern in the child's life at home or elsewhere. We promote British values embed this throughout our curriculum, focusing on Mutual Respect, Tolerance, Democracy. Liberty and the Rule of Law. If you are worried about an organisation or suspect extremism-helpline: 0800 789321 prevent@cumbria.police.uk

All staff are trained in the prevent duty.


The internet is invaluable in today's climate as a source of information and a medium for communication. It is however, vitally important that certain protocol is followed to ensure personal safety is protected at all times. Internet Safety is taught to children in school as part of the curriculum and is reinforced whenever the children access the web or use emails. The use of the internet in school is strictly filtered via county servers and the tightest security is in place at all times.

We encourage parents, carers and family members to read the information on the links below and take action to protect their children when they are online at home. The internet can then be used to its full potential and greatly benefit your children's education.

We have just completed a cycle in KS1/ KS2 involving all pupils on e-safety.

Schools should provide a safe environment to learn and work, including when online. 


Operation Encompass

We are an 'Operation Encompass' school. This promotes communication between the authorities and school in relation to domestic abuse.


Safety Links